Justin Goodall has spent 15 years in top-level clay programs and studios. He has worked on projects ranging from abstract sculpture to an array or functional work including lighting, tile, and tableware. Becoming a parent shifted his focus away from high-end professional work, towards a more wholesome nurtured approach to life and making art. 

“I wanted to start Austin Clay Arts as a way to share the joy that I get from making art with my daughter. I believe that it is so important to incorporate play into our lives. There is a generosity and care within creating that is so deeply human and rooted in love and I want others to experience that too.” 

His journey to opening Austin Clay Arts started with a single ceramics class at Elon University. It was there that he discovered the world of clay and fell in love with the magic of transformation. That love spurred him on to receive his MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and go on to run several professional and personal studio programs in North Carolina, Chicago, Michigan, New York City, and Austin.